National Bingo Day is coming to the UK and we want to celebrate!
Eyes down, dabbers at the ready… We’ve got some excellent news for all you bingo fans – and if you’ve landed on this page, we’re assuming that’s you. National Bingo Day is officially coming to the UK on the 27th June 2021 and we couldn’t be more excited at the prospect of having a whole day dedicated to our favourite game.
Although we started the idea of bringing it to the UK initially (International Bingo Day was previously only celebrated in the US), we want this day to be a celebration of bingo as a whole … as much as we’d like this day to be all about us! That means everyone from the industry coming together and having a ball for this special day.
National Bingo Day will be a day dedicated to all the bingo lingo, facts about the game (did you know it’s over 500 years old?), the excitement of the game and the lovely players – that’s you!
Of course, it wouldn’t be Mecca without a party. We want to celebrate National Bingo Day UK with you next year, but we need your input – so we’ve created a survey for you to be on the ball and let us know what events you’d like to see and be able to take part in on the big day itself. After the 2020 we’ve all had, it will be great to have something to look forward to!
The survey won’t take long, so pop the kettle on and let us know your thoughts over on the new National Bingo Day website.
Thanks for your help. We already can’t wait for National Bingo Day 2021 and we’re sure there’ll be a full house of fun, quizzes, games, prizes and of course, loads of bingo!
In the meantime, why not wait for your numbers to roll in with a spot of online bingo in your favourite Mecca rooms, whether that’s playing for 1p in Penny Lane or having an equal chance to win with Best Odds Bingo. There really is a game for everyone – which is what makes bingo so great!