Arts and Crafts: Tie-dye

With summer fast approaching, it’s time to pack away that winter wardrobe and bring out your summer fashion. But before you throw out any of the clothes you know you will never wear again, how about sprucing them up and making them summer worthy?!
Tie-dye is well in fashion again, it’s so easy to do from home and gives your style a whole new revamp, without having to barely spend a penny. Want to learn just how easy it is, and the various effects you can obtain? Well you are in luck as we’ve put together an exciting guide for you below:
The fan style tie-dye
For this you will need:
- Sachet of material dye
- Water
- Salt
- Elastic Bands
- The item of clothing of your choice.
The method:
This is such an easy but effective way of transforming the simplest of garments. Firstly fold the item (we have used a white t-shirt here) in a fan type manner back and fourth, turn around and repeat:

Then take your elastic bands (or string – why not experiment with other items that can be used as ties to see what other effects you can get) and start to wrap your piece of clothing or fabric.

As you can see we used 4 bands to tie in a criss-cross pattern, but again there are so many other ways this could be done! That’s the beauty with tie-dye, the possibilities are endless and every single item you make will be 100% original.
The next stage is to simply mix your sachet of dye according to the instructions. There are loads of dye options available for next to nothing online and the colours are endless. For the one we chose, you simply mix the dye with salt and water. Pop your item of fabric into the dye mixture and leave it to soak for about an hour.
The last and final step is to remove the fabric and wash. You can handwash or pop into the washing machine. The choice is yours.
Now, just hang your fabric up to dry and enjoy your finished, fabulous creation! Here is how ours came out:

Here at Mecca Blog, we really hope you are enjoying this Arts and Crafts series. Please share with us in the comments and on Social Media your own homemade creations, and if you have anything that you would like us to cover in upcoming weeks – please, please do let us know!