Top Tips for Playing Multiple Cards at a Time

Bingo is widely respected as a game of chance – and why not? You either have the numbers or you don’t. However, when it comes to winning, a little strategy can go a long way. We give the adage, “Less is more” a facelift in this blog and show you how more can be a lot more.
More is more? Exactly. The strategy we are proposing is one in which you tip the odds in your favour by playing multiple scratchcards at a time. Playing with multiple cards at once is going to be more costly than playing with just one but it’s worth a shot considering it ups your chances of walking away with the jackpot. It’s an investment.
This advanced strategy can be tried in a live or online environment. Read on and take notes so that the next time you enter your local hall or play online these tips are top of mind.
A Quick Crash Course in Bingo Numbers
When you play online, you will notice that you have the option to play games that incorporate different numbers. A common example is the 75-ball game which, as the name suggests, has 75 numbers on it. Alternatively, you could choose to play a 90-ball game. Again, as the name suggests, there are 90 numbers but only a select few of these numbers are placed on your card.
The difference between the two games is that for a 75-ball game, there are only 24 numbers on your scratchcard. In this instance, you need 24 numbers to be called to win. On the other hand, if you are playing a 90-ball game, you will only have 15 numbers on your scratchcard which have been arbitrarily positioned on your scratchcard.
Online Versus Live Games
There are certainly crossovers and similarities between playing in a hall and playing in an online room. One aspect that is common to both is the act of daubing. Despite the slower pace of traditional bingo, it is limiting in this regard. Your scope for playing with multiple cards is restricted because there are only so many cards us mere mortals can keep track of at any one time. Consensus suggests that half a dozen scratchcards is the limit.
An online game does not lend itself to manual daubing of multiple cards either. If you are a beginner looking for some tips on how to play bingo, there is no need to worry: the faster pace of an online game is also supported by features that help you stay on top of everything, daubing and all.
Need-to-know Factors that Affect Your Odds
Bingo is a game of chance, which means that you’re up against both the other players and the odds of any given game. The odds are rarely the same from game to game. They are swayed by several important factors that you should be aware of and understand. The factors are as follows:
- The number of cards you play or buy – the more you have, the better your odds and the higher your chance of winning.
- The number of players in an online room or live hall will impact the likelihood of winning. The more players there are the lower your chance of winning.
- The length of the game – 75-ball, 80-ball or 90-ball game. The longer the game you play, the higher your odds of winning will be since there will be fewer balls.
Now it’s time for the bingo tips you have been patiently waiting for.
Tips for Playing Multiple Cards at a Time
More is More — but There are Limits
While you might be edge-of-your-seat excited to know how you can play with multiple cards with ease, it is equally important to know your limits. Your limit is usually right around the point where you miss calls because you have too many cards to keep track of!
Put it in Auto
Unlike die-hard drivers who will frown upon the idea of automatic cars or putting a car in auto, die-hard bingo players will revere you for understanding the benefits of using the auto-daubing feature when you play online.
Daubing refers to the marking off numbers as they are called out. In a live game, this is done using specialised pens and a scratchcard. In an online game, you simply use your mouse cursor and tap on the corresponding number on your online scratchcard.
Auto-daubing is a feature of the online game that allows the daubing process to happen without you lifting a finger. The computer does all the work by automatically daubing numbers as they are called. This is why it is such an effective method for playing multiple cards. It allows you to take it easy while maintaining optimum efficiency. The only catch to this incredible convenience is that it can be a little pale in comparison to the excitement of doing it on your own and winning.
The Joy Versus Jackpot Tradeoff
Ultimately, we play bingo because we enjoy it. It’s lasted through the ages as a popular pastime particularly because it is fun and allows us to socialise whilst taking part in some lighthearted competition. Be wary of how you feel – if taking on too many cards is beginning to affect how much you like playing, keep it simple and lower the number of cards accordingly.
Eye on the Prize
Nobody’s attention span lasts forever. There’s no judgment here! However, if you decide to boost your chances of winning the jackpot by playing multiple cards, you have to commit to paying attention and staying focused. A lapse in concentration could cost you a winning game. Sadly, when you miss a call it could end up being too little too late when you realise you should have won. Go easy on the bottle, keep an eye and an ear out and don’t get too lost in the banter.
Practice Makes Progress
Don’t underestimate the value of a free game or the preciousness of practice. It goes a long way when honing your skills. When you play free bingo online, you can try out all these tips without running the risk of losing any money.
Put Your Multitasking Skills to the Test
Whether it’s offline or online, Mecca Bingo has a game for you. If you’ve never played before, there’s no need to worry. You can rest assured you will be playing like a pro with multiple cards at a time, sooner rather than later when you try our wide selection of live clubs and online games. We have a rich history in bingo and poured all our experience from land-based clubs into making the best online experience for you.
No matter where you are, what time of day it is or how much you want to spend, you can rest assured there’s a fun-filled gaming experience you can enjoy.
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