Enjoy These Summer Exercises!

The sun is beaming, so it’s time to get outside and enjoy this amazing weather! Sunlight exposure has been proven to boost your mood, reduce anxiety and much more. It’s also great to start your summer exercises routine! Pair this with some healthy summer recipes and your good to go.

So, this is a great time to work out in the outdoors and freshen up your fitness routine during the warmer season.

Check out our list below of what you can do:


Summer Exercises - Running

People tend to do this all-year round, but running during the British winter isn’t for everyone! If you decide to run on a hot summer’s day, it might be best to start off slowly. Make sure you stay hydrated and wear light clothing. It’s important to take breaks, even if you decide to walk for short periods of time, and not strain yourself too much. You can also run in the shade to stay cool!


Summer Exercises - Hiking

Hiking is also an activity that isn’t exclusive to summer, but it’s still a lot of fun during this time! It’s important to wear clothing that is breathable and always have a bottle of water with you at all times. It’s also worth considering hiking in the mornings or even near sunset, to avoid the hottest times in the day.


Summer Exercises - Roller-skating

Many of us grew up roller-skating, and it still seems to be a popular activity amongst all ages! Grab a pair of skates and get practicing! You can also take some classes if you like, to brush up on your skills and also help you feel more confident on your wheels. No one becomes a pro or an expert overnight, and summer is a great time to get started!


Summer Exercises - Yoga

Yoga can be done at any time of the year, but practicing outside in the fresh air not only has plenty of benefits, but you’ll also feel amazing afterwards. Whether you take a class, go with your friends to a local park or decide to go solo, this is a brilliant way to enjoy your yoga sessions. And of course, make sure you drink plenty of water!


Summer Exercises - Cycling

Many people brave the winter and jump on their bikes, even for their commutes. But now that it’s warmer, cycling is another fantastic way to look after your health and enjoy the outdoors! As with all summer exercises, make sure you dress appropriately and stay hydrated. And, you don’t just have to cycle locally. You can go absolutely anywhere and enjoy the nature around you!

Don’t forget to stay safe and wear lots of SPF when you’re in the sun.

We hope this has helped you decide how to give your fitness regime a makeover this summer! Let us know what you’ll get up to in the comments below.

Why not get yourself down to one of our Mecca clubs after your summer workout, and treat yourself to a bingo session? You can also plan any of our online games!
