Love Island Winter 2023 – “It’s all coming out now!”

Love Island has spoiled us this week with some truly great telly. We’ve had the Knowing Me Knowing You challenge, Movie Night, two new bombshells AND a surprise recoupling. There’s a lot for us to unpack – so let’s get into it!

Bombshells of the Week

Our latest bombshells are Rosie Seabrook (24) and Keanan Brand (24). Rosie is an industry placement advisor from Buckinghamshire and Keanan is a professional rugby player from Wigan. Before entering the villa, they each got to choose two islanders to go on a date with, Keanan chose Jessie and Sammie, while Rosie chose Casey and Kai.

Couples going steady

After a couple of weeks of serious turbulence caused by Casa Amor and its aftermath, it’s back to smooth sailing for most of our couples. In Sunday’s episode we even got to see Ron ask Lana to be his first-ever girlfriend – so sweet!

Couples on the rocks

The arrival of two new bombshells means trouble in paradise for Casey and Claudia. It looks like Casey’s head may turn for Rosie – and to make things even more complicated, the surprise recoupling on Friday allowed Rosie to pick Casey, and Keanan to pick Claudia.


This week we saw some of Love Island’s most infamous challenges. The Knowing Me Knowing You challenge stirred up plenty of trouble, causing Jessie to question why none of the boys thought her and Will were the most compatible couple. Claudia wasn’t happy that Casey picked Lana for who he’d couple up with if he wasn’t with her, and Olivia was unhappy because Kai didn’t pick her as least trustworthy… Guess there was no way for him to win in that situation.

It was also time for Movie Night, and it delivered! It seems that even if the islanders had come clean about what they got up to in Casa Amor, nothing could really prepare their partners for seeing it on the big screen. Tom, Casey and Tanya were all accused of lying, or at least massively downplaying what they did during Casa.

Saints vs Sinners involved the islanders dressing up as very sexy angels and demons to perform challenges. They each had to pick the islander that they wanted to kiss before aiming a trident at that islander’s picture on a wheel. Rather than picking Claudia or Rosie, Casey tried to stay out of trouble by having a smooch with Tanya, bit of a cop out!


Friday’s episode included a surprise recoupling – the best kind! This time the girls got to choose the boys, but not before the two new bombshells had first pick. Here’s the results:

  • Tanya and Shaq 
  • Olivia and Maxwell 
  • Sammie and Tom 
  • Lana and Ron 
  • Jessie and Will 
  • Sanam and Kai 
  • Claudia and Keanan  
  • Rosie and Casey  

As Martin was not picked, he had to say his farewells and leave the villa.

Best Bits

  • Tanya and Martin’s awkward attempt to prep for the question challenge  
  • Casey stripping off to join Tom in his bubble bath 
  • Martin happily munching his popcorn during movie night  
  • Shaq calling out the girls for showing off to the new bombshells in their sexiest PJs  
  • Will’s sexy dancing in his devil costume  
  • Martin keeping it real in his departure speech – “I wouldn’t say it was the best experience of my life.” 

What we think will happen next

So, we’re nearing the end of Love Island Winter 2023, with only a couple more weeks to go. It looks like Casey may turn his head for Rosie, but will Claudia do the same and give Keanan a chance? Could there be something between Keanan and Rosie? He did choose to kiss her in the Saints vs Sinners challenge. One thing is for sure, the Kiss Marry Pie challenge is sure to cause plenty of drama – and we can’t wait to see it!

Which couple is your favourite to win it? Drop us a comment below. For more Mecca fun, play our Winner Spinner here for FREE and have the chance to win up to £500 cash! 


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