Mecca Bingo calls – The full rundown

If you’re familiar with bingo, you’ll probably have heard all kinds of funny names being called alongside the numbers…ever wondered what’s it all about? And do you know them all? We thought as much. Let us give you a cheeky rundown!
How is bingo played?
Before we get to the bingo terms, let’s run over the basics of bingo itself.
There’s a couple of different kinds of bingo that can be played – but generally, it’s by crossing off numbers which are on your ticket when they’re called out. If you cross off all the numbers on your ticket before anyone else, you win the game. Simple!
The type of game that you’re taking part in will decide the amount of numbers that you have on your ticket (for instance, 90-ball or 75-ball). The amount of numbers on your ticket will be the same amount that can be called out by the bingo callers.
There’s no need to be confused by the ‘balls’ in the name of your game – it’s due to the fact that the numbers that are called out used to be printed onto balls. Since the invention of online bingo, almost all the bingo balls are generated electronically, which can make the word ‘balls’ confusing for new players!
What about the bingo lingo?
Bingo numbers tend to be called out via traditional bingo rhymes. If you’re new to online bingo, it may be confusing to hear “Two Fat Ladies” or other sayings that you aren’t familiar with. No need for alarm if you don’t know the terms – bingo is a sociable game and you don’t need to know the bingo slang to play (though it’s nice to have an idea).
Where did the rhymes come from?
As you may have noticed, the majority of bingo terms associated with the numbers are rhymes! Originally, they were used to pass on secret messages in London during the mid-20th century. The rhymes were quickly picked up by bingo players to ensure that all 90 letters could be clarified easily when called out. Think about it: in a big bingo hall, the numbers 15 and 50 could sound similar to the point of causing confusion, so these rhymes enabled bingo players to distinguish each number as they were being called out. As the use of these nicknames spread, they evolved from one place to another and some new bingo sayings were added to the mix!
So here it is…the complete list of bingo calls and their corresponding rhymes. Hopefully this will clear up any confusion next time you hear one!
Bingo Calls: The complete list
1 – Kelly’s eye 46 – Up to tricks
2 – One little duck 47 – Four and seven
3 – Cup of tea 48 – Four dozen
4 – Knock at the door 49 – PC
5 – Man alive 50 – Half a century
6 – Tom Mix/Half a dozen 51 – Tweak of the thumb
7 – Lucky seven 52 – Danny La Rue
8 – Garden gate 53 – Here comes Herbie/Stuck in a tree
9 – Doctor’s orders 54 – Clean the floor
10 – [Prime Minister’s name]’s den 55 – Snakes alive
11 – Legs eleven 56 – Shotts Bus
12 – One dozen 57 – Heinz varieties
13 – Unlucky for some 58 – Make them wait
14 – Valentine’s Day 59 – Brighton Line
15 – Young and keen 60 – Five dozen
16 – Sweet 16 and never been kissed 61 – Baker’s bun
17 – Dancing queen 62 – Turn the screw/Tickety-boo
18 – Coming of age 63 – Tickle me 63
19 – Goodbye teens 64 – Red raw
20 – One score 65 – Old age pension
21 – Royal salute/Key of the door 66 – Clickety click
22 – Two little ducks 67 – Stairway to heaven
23 – Thee and me 68 – Saving Grace
24 – Two dozen 69 – Favourite of mine
25 – Duck and dive 70 – Three score and ten
26 – Pick and mix 71 – Bang on the drum
27 – Gateway to heaven 72 – Six dozen
28 – In a state/Over weight 73 – Queen bee
29 – Rise and shine 74 – Hit the floor
30 – Dirty Gertie 75 – Strive and strive
31 – Get up and run 76 – Trombones
32 – Buckle my shoe 77 – Sunset strip
33 – Dirty knee/All the threes/Fish, chips & peas 78 – 39 more steps
34 – Ask for more 79 – One more time
35 – Jump and jive 80 – Eight and blank
36 – Three dozen 81 – Stop and run
37 – More than eleven 82 – Straight on through
38 – Christmas cake 83 – Time for tea
39 – 39 steps 84 – Seven dozen
40 – Life begins 85 – Staying alive
41 – Time for fun 86 – Between the sticks
42 – Winnie the Pooh 87 – Torquay in Devon
43 – Down on your knees 88 – Two fat ladies
44 – Droopy drawers 89 – Nearly there
45 – Halfway there 90 – Top of the shop
Bingo number names
1 – Kelly’s eye
This may be a reference to Ned Kelly, one of Australia’s greatest folk heroes…but then again, maybe not. Many suspect it’s just military slang!
2 – One little duck
As apt as it is adorable…the number 2 looks like a little duckling!
3 – Cup of tea
We all love a rhyme – not as much as we love a cuppa, mind!
4 – Knock at the door
Who’s there?! This phrase rhymes with the number 4.
5 – Man alive
We love this energetic bingo call rhyme.
6 – Tom Mix/Half a dozen
Tom Mix was America’s first Western Star, appearing in a whopping 291 films. His legend lives on in this rhyming bingo call. A dozen is 12 and half of 12 is 6 (which is the alternative bingo saying the caller could choose).
7 – Lucky seven
The number 7 is considered lucky by many cultures. There are 7 days of the week, 7 colours of the rainbow and 7 notes on a musical scale.
8 – Garden gate
This saying rhymes with the number 8, but there’s said to be something more about the history of this call. Legend has it that the ‘garden gate’ was a code for a secret meeting or drop off point!
9 – Doctor’s orders
During World War II, Number 9 was the name of a pill given out by army doctors to solidiers who weren’t feeling too well. This powerful laxative was said to clear the system of all ills!
10 – [Prime Minister’s name]’s den
Always up to date, bingo callers will insert the name of the current Prime Minister into this call. It references number 10 Downing Street.
11 – Legs eleven
Another cheeky call that pertains to the shape made by the number: the two 1s look like a pair of slender legs. Whit woo!
12 – One dozen
12 makes up a dozen.
13 – Unlucky for some
Superstition dictates that 13 is an unlucky number…but if you call house on 13, it’s lucky for you!
14 – Valentine’s Day
Referring to 14th February, the international day of romance.
15 – Young and keen
15 rhymes with keen.
16 – Sweet 16 and never been kissed
Turning 16 marks a special birthday. You’re not quite an adult, but you’re no longer a child.
17 – Dancing queen
“You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen!” We can thank ABBA and their huge 1976 hit single ‘Dancing Queen’ for this bingo call.
18 – Coming of age
This milestone denotes when you’re officially an adult. Some callers also shout: “Now you can vote!”
19 – Goodbye teens
The last teenage year!
20 – One score / Getting Plenty
There are 20 units in a score. The phrase ‘getting plenty’ is also a cheeky rhyme with the number.
21 – Royal salute / Key of the door
There are 21 guns fired in a royal or military salute. 21 was also the traditional age where you’d move out of your parents’ house and have your own keys to your own place.
22 – Two little ducks
Again, this call exists to describe the shape that the numbers make.
23 – The Lord is my shepherd
A biblical reference, this is the first phrase of Psalm 23 in the Old Testament.
24 – Two dozen
12 is one dozen and 24 makes two dozen.
25 – Duck and dive
Another call that rhymes – but it’s also said that the number 2 is the duck and you’ll want to dive away from the number 5, which looks like a snake! An interesting one…
26 – Half a crown
This saying comes from predecimalization (old money), where two shillings and sixpence made up half a crown.
27 – Gateway to heaven
You’ll be in heaven if you call house on this bingo rhyming slang!
28 – In a state
Old school cockney slang. “He was in a right two and eight” means “He was in a poor state!”
29 – Rise and shine
A cheerful saying for a cheerful number.
30 – Dirty Gertie
Rhyming with 30, this phrase comes from the nickname for the statue La Délivrance, a bronze sculpture of a naked lady installed in North London in 1927. There was also a raucous song called Dirty Gertie from Bizerte, which was sung by Allied soldiers in North Africa during the Second World War.
31 – Get up and run
Get up and run when you hear this rhyming call for 31!
32 – Buckle my shoe
Why not?
33 – All the threes/Fish, chips and peas
33 represents all the 3s available in a 90 ball game. It also rhymes with the traditional English fish supper from the chippy. Delicious!
34 – Ask for more
A great rhyme, especially following 33!
35 – Jump and jive
You’ll be doing this dance step if you call house on number 35.
36 – Three dozen
Plain and simple, 3 lots of 12.
37 – More than eleven
Lots of numbers are more than 11, but this one kind of rhymes!
38 – Christmas cake
Another term derived from cockney rhyming slang.
39 – 39 steps
From the 1935 Alfred Hitchcock movie called 39 Steps.
40 – Life begins
Life begins at 40! Who are we to disagree with this well-known bingo call?!
41 – Time for fun
Life has begun so it’s time for some fun!
42 – Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh books by A. A. Milne were first published in 1926. The honey-loving bear became part of the Walt Disney family in 1965.
43 – Down on your knees
Harking back to war-time Britain, this phrase was often used by soldiers during the war.
44 – Droopy drawers
A visual reference to sagging trousers!
45 – Halfway there
There are 90 balls in traditional British bingo [] games and 45 is half of 90.
46 – Up to tricks
Aren’t we all!
47 – Four and seven
A little less original than the others…guess they ran out of steam for this one!
48 – Four dozen
4 x 12 = 48. Simple maths!
49 – PC
This call is based on the old TV programme ‘The Adventures of P.C. 49,’ which aired from 1946–53. The show told the stories of an unconventional police constable solving cases in London.
50 – Half a century
A full century is 100 and 50 is half of that.
51 – Tweak of the thumb
Could also be replaced with “I love my mum.” Which is your favourite?
52 – Danny La Rue
This references the popular Irish cross-dressing singer and entertainer who rose to fame in the mid-1940s.
53 – Here comes Herbie
53 is the number of the VW Beetle Herbie, the car featured in a number of films by Walt Disney in the 1960s. Players often respond with “Beep, beep!”
54 – Clean the floor
Nobody wants to think about housework while they’re playing bingo, but this rhyme has been around for years.
55 – Snakes alive
Another visual bingo call. The two fives look like snakes ready to spring!
56 – Shotts Bus / Was she worth it?
The original number of the bus route from Glasgow to Shotts. Five shillings and sixpence was how much a marriage licence used to cost. When the caller asked: “Was she worth it?” many players would shout back “Every penny!”
57 – Heinz varieties
Referring to the number in the logo of food company Heinz. The number 57 was reportedly picked by the founder as he wanted to claim he offered the greatest selection of pickles. Five was his lucky number and 7 was his wife’s.
58 – Make them wait
Not for too long, we hope!
59 – Brighton Line
There are mixed ideas on where this comes from. Some think that it’s the number of the train from Brighton to London, engine 59 – while others say that all original telephone numbers in Brighton started with 59.
60 – Five dozen / Grandma’s getting frisky
Our favourite reference has returned! 5 x 12 = 60. 60 nearly rhymes with ‘frisky’ and is the traditional age where women could retire and claim a state pension.
61 – Baker’s bun
Mmmm…we wouldn’t say no!
62 – Turn the screw / Tickety-boo
Both these phrases rhyme with the number. Tickety-boo is retro slang for ‘good’ or ‘going well’.
63 – Tickle me
Another cheeky phrase that rhymes, though its origins are unclear.
64 – Red raw
Not the closest rhyme to the number 64…but this bingo call seems to have stood the test of time, so why question it?
65 – Old age pension
The traditional age that men could retire in the UK.
66 – Clickety click
This rhyme sounds like a train steaming down a track.
67 – Stairway to heaven
Another whimsical bingo call.
68 – Pick a mate
Bingo [] is better with friends! Pick a mate and look out for this rhyming call.
69 – Any way up
This call explains how the number 69 looks the same upside down.
70 – Three score and ten
More maths! 3 x 2 = 60, plus 10 = 70!
71 – Bang on the drum
In the early 2000s, a campaign called to change this traditional call to ‘J.Lo’s bum’. Any thoughts on that – or do you prefer the original?
72 – Six dozen
Another reference using that famous dozen metric.
73 – Queen bee
We’re buzzing about this bingo call!
74 – Hit the floor
A call that rhymes. Makes us want to hit the dance floor, too!
75 – Strive and strive
We’re striving for a full house. Hope it lands when this call is shouted.
76 – Trombones
This pop-culture bingo call references the lyrics in the popular marching song ‘76 Trombones’ from the musical, The Music Man.
77 – Sunset strip
So called because of the popular 1950s/60s private investigator TV show, 77 Sunset Strip.
78 – 39 more steps
This references the 39 Steps film again, as 39 + 39 = 78
79 – One more time
Nothing to do with Britney Spears…good phrase though!
80 – Ghandi’s breakfast
Because he is said to have ate nothing…eight nothing…geddit?!
81 – Stop and run
But…how can you stop and run and the same time? We’ll get back to you on that one!
82 – Straight on through
This one’s been around since bingo began – and we think it’s great.
83 – Time for tea
Another reference to the UK’s favourite beverage. Two quintessentially British pastimes right there: bingo and brews!
84 – Seven dozen
The last of our dozen references! 7 x 12 = 84.
85 – Staying alive
This bingo call was around well before the Bee Gees…but we like it and it rhymes!
86 – Between the sticks
Not only does this rhyme, but it is said to refer to the number 86 being the position of goalkeepers, who would spend the match ‘between the sticks’ or goalposts.
87 – Torquay in Devon
Who said you can’t teach geography in 3 words?
88 – Two fat ladies
Another visual representation…the number 88 is said to look like two fat ladies sitting next to each other.
89 – Nearly there
A reference to 89 being 1 away from 90 – the end of the bingo numbers.
90 – Top of the shop / end of the line / as far as we go
All the calls that go with the number 90 in bingo reference it being the highest or last number.
We hope that these have given you some insight, and a laugh! What would bingo calls be like if they were invented today?
Whether you’re looking to play free bingo or online bingo that’s a little more competitive, you’ll find something just for you at Mecca Bingo. If you’re ready to start winning and having fun, then you’re in the right place!
Love number 56 shotts bus I thought my dad made this up as a child I lived not too far from there
I agree with nawty 40 😄
My new nickname for myself.. dirty gerty haha
Thanks-a-mundo for the blog article.Much thanks again. Really Cool.
Very informative article post.Much thanks again. Great.
This is one awesome article post. Want more.
Very informative blog article.Much thanks again. Really Great.