Mecca Brew – The Results!

Last month we asked you all ‘What is your favourite way to ‘Mecca Brew’ and over 1500 of you got involved. WOW!

The results are in and we have to say, we are blown away by some of them.

So what was your favourite brew?

First up, we asked you all ‘What is your favourite tea?’ and unsurprisingly, just a normal brew came out miles ahead of the likes of Green Tea or Macha – here at Mecca Bingo, we could not agree more. Keep it simple we say.

Sugar or no sugar?

We then went on to ask the important questions ‘How do you like your tea? And ‘How many sugars do you take?’. There was a very mixed tea’bag’ of results for this one (get it, huh?) with nearly 50% of you preferring a middle brew with 0 sugars.

As expected when asked ‘How do you brew your tea?’ over 90% of you go for the classic method – teabag straight into the cup. After all, we don’t all have the spare time to go for loose leaf tea. That’s far too messy in our opinion too!

Mug or Cup? What did you decide

We must admit we were quite surprised by the next result ‘What do you like to sip your tea from?’ 85% of you drink using a mug, 10% use a traditional teacup and for some reason only 2% drink direct from the saucer (must just be us then).

And finally, the age old question – When do you add the milk?

And finally, the all important question ‘When should you add the milk’. We were very, very relieved to see that the majority (over 70 %) of you agree with us – the milk ALWAYS goes last.

So, there we have it, the all important results of the correct way to ‘Mecca Brew’.

Stay tuned… there’s even more to come

Thank you to everyone who took part, we had so much fun reading all of your answers and congratulations to all the winners who were drawn at random to receive a prize for taking part. We have some really exciting competitions, quizzes and prizes coming up soon on the Mecca Bingo Blog, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled!

And more importantly, don’t forget to join us on Facebook every week for competitions galore

And before we go… for all of you avid tea lovers out there – we’ve got something EXTRA exciting coming up for you very, very soon…


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