Your weekly #GossipAlert round-up: Week 6

Need your weekly gossip fix? Then your wish is our command. Every week we gather together the best news stories from the week, from fun celebrity gossip to the interesting headlines and exciting things that have happened recently. Are you ready? Get comfortable and grab a chocolate biscuit – you deserve it.
The queen turns 95 (again)
Although she technically turned 95 back in April, on Saturday it was the Queen’s ‘official’ royal birthday, a tradition which is said to have dated back to Edward VII who wanted another birthday in June when the weather is better so there could be more public celebrations. We don’t blame him! Double the birthday means double the cake, and who could say no to that?
Coronation Street and Emmerdale to be released as boxsets during the Euros
Whether you’re a football fan or not, this is a really exciting time for the UK, with England, Scotland and Wales all battling it out to take home the trophy. However, if you’re a soaps fan, you might be disappointed that many of your favourite shows will be pushed out of teir regular slots but the football. But, fear not! Each Monday, 6 episodes of Coronation Street and Emmerdale will be uploaded online, so you can watch them whenever you want – all in one go or spread out through the week as you normally would.
It’s set to hit a sweltering 30C this weekend!
Summer might have taken a bit longer to kick in this year, but the weather is certainly making up for lost time this weekend – just in time for the start of the Euros! Who needs a holiday, eh?!
One benefit of lockdown: your car insurance might be going down
With less and less drivers on the roads, your car insurance could drop by as much as 6% this year – every little helps!
Don’t forget to tune in next week for the next #GossipAlert! Feel free to check back on the last six weeks too if you’ve only just discovered this Mecca segment and want to check back on all the juicy news!