Epic dog training fails

Dogs are our best friends, but being a dog owner can be a tricky business – especially when it comes to training our furry buddies.
We’ve rounded up some of the funniest dog training fails the internet has to offer. These hilarious vids show that even though they’re all good boys and girls, they’re not always the smartest.
Soon, some of the best-trained dogs in the world will be competing at Crufts from 5th – 8th March, and we’re guessing these silly doggos won’t make the cut!
Knockout dog training
It was all going so well for this trainer…
Dog’s dinner of a dog show
There’s getting it wrong, then there’s really getting it wrong.
Distraction fail
No one told him he’s supposed to ignore the balloon!
Good girl gone wrong
We’ll forgive her for one small mistake.
Crufts comfort break
Proving even some of the best have off days.
Top dog training hacks
Whether you want to teach your furry best friend some new tricks, or you’re still trying to master the basics, remember these handy training hacks.
Keep it short and sweet
Dogs can have pretty short attention spans, so long training sessions are going to go in one ear and out the other after a while. Try and keep sessions to around 15 minutes, and do them two or three times a day.
Be consistent
Whether it’s with the commands you use, or the rewards you give, make sure you’re consistent with your dog. Different commands for the same thing will only confuse them, while consistent rewards for the same behaviour will ensure it’s effective.
Do training before they’ve eaten
A hungrier dog is more likely to be cooperative, while training treats all add to your dog’s daily calorie count. If you do some training before they’ve eaten, you can use their dry food as the training treat.
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I would love to be able to go to this….would be the best! 😊 Never been to anything like this and would love to win the tickets for me and a friend to have a night away to have them best time 😍🥂 xx
I would like to go with my husband !! We never been out without kids since our first son was born.. 13 years now.. we need a date night !! Fingers cross