Your weekly #GossipAlert round-up: Week 7

Well, our British summer has been and gone and it lasted all of about a week – lucky us! However, with the weather getting cooler and the rain making another grand appearance, it’s the perfect chance to sit down and catch up on this week’s Mecca #GossipAlert! Every week we give you the highlights of the past week, from the wacky news to celebrity gossip, so that you don’t have to waste hours scrolling. Aren’t we nice?

Love Island is BACK

Possibly the biggest news story of the week is the fact that Love Island makes a return to our screens after a year hiatus. Whether you love or hate the show, one thing is for certain: it’s what everyone will be talking about from the 28th June. To us, it will bring some welcome light-hearted relief after the past year and we can’t wait to hear “can we go have a chat?” and the sound of heels click clacking on the wooden decking. It’s officially Love Island season! Are you a fan? Let us know in the comments as we might have something special for you very soon…

Coronation Street to air a rare one-hour long special

We wrote last week about the fact that the Euros would be interrupting your favourite soaps until July, so Coronation Street producers have confirmed that there will be an extra special one hour special tonight at 8pm! This extended episode is to make up for the disruptions and because, like with football, sometimes you just want a bit of extra time.

M&S launch a portable pouch of rosé wine!

Have you ever been drinking a glass of wine and thought “hmm this would be better if I could carry it about in a Capri Sun pouch?”. Well, now your dreams have been answered. M&S have released a pouch of rosé wine which takes all the effort and fuss out of drinking outside in the sun with corks and glass bottles – simply unscrew the top and squeeze! They really do think of everything.

A 7 year old boy raises thousands for defibrillators

We thought we’d end with a heart-warming story! After Christian Erikson’s collapse at the Euros last week, a 7 year old boy has decided to raise money for more defibrillators in his area – a device that could be the difference between life and death for someone having a cardiac arrest. Oscar Jones, from Cheshire, is aiming to run a mile a day for 26 days, but he’s already smashed his target as he has raised almost £6,000 after just a few days. Go Oscar!

We hope you’re enjoying our weekly segments! We’d love for you to get in touch and let us know what you think by leaving us a comment or giving us a message on social media. Don’t forget to tune into next week’s Gossip Alert as all you reality TV lovers might be in for a treat…


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