Hygge: Cosy Things to Do at Home

Hygge (pronounced hoo-gha) is a Danish concept that promotes togetherness, cosiness and relaxation. It’s all about finding pleasure in the small things – like wrapping up in winter woollies or spending time with loved ones. Adding hygge elements to your everyday life is sure to spark a warm feeling in your tummy, even on the coldest, greyest days!
Here are our top tips on how you can unwind from the daily grind and be more hygge!
Light candles
A burning candle adds a mellow, cosy feeling to any ordinary space. Harsh ceiling lights can make it difficult to relax so get a few tealights going and set the mood for your next online bingo session. A flickering candle’s soft illumination will calm the mind and bring harmony to your surroundings.
Turn off your devices
Watching TV and scrolling through social feeds too much is something we are all guilty of. But when it distracts us from spending time with others or leads to stress, it can have a detrimental effect on our wellbeing and social life. Why not turn off your phone for an evening, or switch off the box, and enjoy an evening with your loved ones?
Comfort eat
Love to comfort eat? Hygge actively encourages it! If you’re a big fan of cuddling up on the sofa with a bowl of gooey mac and cheese, or if you adore tucking into a homemade stew with plenty of buttered bread, hygge is for you. Top off your meal with a hot drink and feel warm and fuzzy from the inside out.
Keep it cosy
You can’t relax if you aren’t comfortable and the laws of hygge actively encourage you to trade in scratchy fabric and tight trousers for comfortable loungewear. Remember – hygge is not about extravagance, so choose think big woollen socks and cosy fleece-lined sweaters. These are perfect if you’re looking for an instant mood lift.
Soft surroundings
Go all out hygge by adding soft materials to your living space. Warm rugs, squishy throws and plump cushions are perfect for creating a relaxed, inviting atmosphere.
Keep happy memories close
One way of injecting hygge into your home is to have sentimental mementoes, keepsakes and pictures of your loved ones all around. This will remind you of all the amazing people in your life, and how lucky you really are. In turn, this will help to put you in a good mood when you’re in the home.
Slow down
This might sound like a crazy concept in 2020, but slowing down is essential for unwinding and keeping your mind clutter-free. Try to find proper time for important things that spark joy. Allowing yourself the proper time to socialise, cook and unwind could mean that conversations will be deeper, food will taste better, and the world won’t feel quite so overwhelming.
How do you make your home hygge? Think we’ve missed any out? Tell us some of your favourite ways to wind down – just leave a comment for us below!