Mecca is helping to get the nation back on its feet!

Have you heard? We’re lending a hand with the nationwide effort to get the country vaccinated by joining up with The Sun and pledging our support for their Jabs Army programme. The programme calls for volunteers to assist in the rollout of millions of vaccines across the nation and has been backed by the NHS and health secretary Matt Hancock.
We’re excited to announce that we’ve pledged our club car parks as suitable vaccine sites to support The Royal Voluntary Service. We’re a friendly face in our local communities, so we hope coming to Mecca would help people feel more at ease when they come to get their vaccine.
We’ll also be taking requests from thousands of our staff to volunteer in the vaccine rollout to take some of the burden off our fantastic NHS – so some of our staff will be there to greet those that are coming to get their vaccine.
Our clubs and wonderful team members already play a proactive role in the community thanks to our hard-working teams. These have included:
- Everyone Deserves a Christmas – our campaign at the end of last year to get thousands of hampers out to those in need
- Free car parking spaces for NHS workers
- Free meals for key workers on the Blue Light Card scheme and the delivery of dozens of free meals to local charities
- Coming soon – education hampers for home schooling families in need
As lots of you already know, we’re keeping in regular contact with our club customers despite being closed, so through these calls we’ll also let people know if there is going to be a local vaccine site nearby. Once confirmed, the Mecca sites that will be used as vaccine hubs will also be detailed on your local club pages so you can easily find out if one will be used near you.
We’ll be welcoming requests to volunteer from our staff across the UK, but anyone can volunteer – including you! The Sun is issuing a call to arms for anyone that wants to help out and you can sign up here. So, if you want to become a volunteer, you just need to commit to two six-hour shifts a month at a vaccination site near you and you don’t need any experience or qualifications to help. To become a Jabs Army recruit, all you have to do is sign up through the NHS Volunteer Responder Programme and once confirmed, you’ll be working with NHS staff and other dedicated volunteers.
If you want more information about Jabs Army, the other companies involved and detailed steps on how you can sign up, then give the full Sun article a read.
We’re really proud to support this incredible initiative and we hope that it makes a difference in getting back a little bit of normality in the coming months. We really are in this together!
Yes I would like to help it would be a pleasure.
I would like to help
What a wonderful thing to do. The NHS need everybody working together so that we can all be together in the forthcoming future . I will be registering my help and hopefully joining your amazing staff to help enable vaccine covid hubs to go ahead. Take care stay safe yes I would be interested in helping along with this I was a carer for over 10years and I’m a full time carer for my son and current unemployed I keep fit and am very will ing to help 100%. Iv been in many other jobs of different types from,army cassette,TA black watch, care assistant, kitchen ass,cleaner ,security, lorry driver ,vet ass ,slaughterman and would join the jabarmy with no turning back
Fantastic idea, well done
I think its great for mecca being involved as its such a big part of our communites,
although we are struggling i live with dad and hubby a dyalisis and cancer patients myself asthmatic so we are shielding i cannot offer anyhelp but i can with heart felt gratitude thank you all so much every little helps its scarey times but hopefully we will get through it good luck guys and stay safe xxxx
Is the car park at Mecca Gloucester going to be used ? If so I would like to volunteer to help
I think that the NHS service work will without added stress. My daughter was hit in a drink driving accident 12 years ago and they were absolutely amazing
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