Your Horoscopes with Sally Morgan 19 – 25 April

Monday again you fine people, which means our latest horoscope is ready for you. This week however, it’s no ordinary week – we have a competition for you!

What could you win you may ask?

The prize is an amazing personalised reading from Sally herself. We will connect the two of you and Sally will look deep into the stars to give you a completely unique reading that applies to you and you only.

To enter, simply read this weeks horoscope and at the bottom of the page you will find an entry form. Enter your name and email address and a few words on why you believe you should win a personalised message from Sally. That’s it! T&C’s Apply


Aries, various finances this week get sorted and a plan is put in place for you to feel more secure. You need this so that you can go forward. This week is going to give you peace of mind and makes you feel more relaxed.


Taurus, your love life is on a high this week and it’s all about you trusting and showing others that happiness can only come if we trust one another. The agenda of your love life is heightened because you mean business, so trust in yourself and others.


Gemini, take time this week for yourself, you’ve been burning the candle at both ends so you now need to slow down just a little bit. You will find that if you do you can process so much more. Don’t do too much so that it overwhelms you.  


Cancer spoil your partner this week, why not have a date night, invest in love, maybe have a candle lit dinner for two? Show your loved one just how much you feel about them. Things could be hotting up for you this week Cancer.


Leo, you share your knowledge and your skills this week and others will appreciate this. They will want to say thank you to you and you should accept their thanks graciously. Your name will go down in history with someone for doing something unselfishly.


Virgo, remain positive and motivated as your dream is awaiting you. Always make sure this week you do your due diligence. If you continue everything that you have been working towards this week with great gusto, you will feel as if you’re on the right path to good things.


Libra, your caring side will help someone special and you will see the love in their eyes. You will also feel as if you are able to help them in ways that they haven’t been helped before. And with something they have had such difficulty with for some time.


Scorpio, spare some time for your love life this week to enjoy and share things. You are normally quite reluctant to share your thoughts but this week you know it is the right thing to do.


Sagittarius manifest your wishes, this can happen if you share your dream. Make sure that you are specific and you know exactly what you want and hopefully your dream can come true. What you put out there, you will get back.


Capricorn, you need to be able to show others that your independence helps with your happiness, which also brings positivity, not only into your life but others too. Stay strong and shine this week Capricorn.


Aquarius, pace yourself, learn to say no. It needs to be about you, so you can recover your inner strength to move forward with all the positivity and gusto that you need. You are number one, remember that Aquarius.  


Pisces, your creative streak will all come to light this week in unexpected ways and you will find that you are leading the way, not only for yourself, but those around you. Try something new or really pursue something you’ve wanted for a long time.

Are you looking forward to the week ahead? Make sure you enter your details below to win a personalised reading from Sally.


5 thoughts on “Your Horoscopes with Sally Morgan 19 – 25 April

  1. Jade Ctuddas

    I need to realise my farther has gone and be able to come to terms with. That I would thriilled to win and maybe get a message, that puts me in the right path forward

  2. Nicola Jowett

    I’m sure that your father instilled enough in you to accept it when you are ready and only then, you were clearly close and you are just grieving your way. He’ll get you through in the end. Good luck.

  3. 关键字:樓上骨

    Thanks again for the article.Really thank you! Want more.


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