Calling all blog lovers! What do you want to read on Mecca?

Don’t worry, we’re not getting lazy. We’ve decided that seeing as you’re the wonderful people reading our blog posts, you should probably have some input into what they’re about. What do you want to read about when you head to Mecca? Which of our blog posts do you get excited about and which do you scroll past faster than a game of Supersonic Bingo? We would love to know what YOU want to read!

We’re not just planning on stealing your ideas and running with them though – we’ll be rewarding any successful suggestions with a marvellous bingo bonus of £10. If we decide to use one of your ideas on our blog, then we’ll also see if you want to be credited with your name and where you’re from. How cool is that?

We know that our blog is already a place where we can tell you about all of our special offers, such as our weekly Top of the Slots, competitions such as Cake or No Cake? and any upcoming events, such as Mecca Dream Come True. However, we also believe that it should be a place to have a natter about anything and everything, with fun posts where you can sit back with a cuppa and have a little chuckle or perhaps learn something new!

If you have any fabulous ideas, please email them over to or just pop them in the comments underneath this post. It’s that easy! We can’t wait to read all of your recommendations and put together the content that you’ve requested. 

Whether you’re new to the blog or perhaps just want some inspiration for suggestions, then don’t forget to have a read of some of the ones we’ve already posted. For example, we’ve put together some amazing money saving tips for prepping your meals, we’ve written about the VERY important topic of the world’s favourite biscuits and so much more. Get the kettle on and have a read!

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